Monday, January 28, 2013

20 things I have learned about London so far

I am really sorry I haven't posted in a while, I just get so caught up in everything and forget to post! But here is a list of 20 things a I have learned about London so far:

1. People do not wait their turn. People will push in front of you or just plain cut you in line. SUPER annoying.
2. Most mornings will start out with blue skies and not a cloud in sight, but by lunch time the sky will be completely gray.
3. EVERYONE owns Hunter's wellies (rain boots). And by everyone I mean everyone, not just girls.
4. You will get laughed at for using American terms...or should I say Texan terms; every time I let a "y'all" slip out I get laughed at, oops :)
5. Forty degrees is freaking warm. This weekend it was forty five and sunny and I wore a long sleeve shirt and no coat and I was completely fine. I will be the first to admit that I NEVER thought that would happen.
6. Never use the tube between 9am and 10am, 12pm and 1pm, and 5pm and 6pm. But, I have to.
7. People have no respect for personal space, especially on the tube. You will get squished between people and people, people and doors, people and poles, and sometimes you will even end up eating someone's fur coat.
8. The boys here are DEFINITELY cuter than American boys, sorry (actually no I'm not). An no, it is not the accent, even though it's an added bonus, but it is their haircuts (they all have the same haircut, and they are all brunette) and VERY prominent jaw lines ;)
9. If you talk on the tube, you will get glared at, especially if you have an American accent.
10. Contrary to popular belief the people here do not all have terrible teeth. Most Brits I have seen that are my age have very nice, straight, white teeth. But I have noticed that about half the people over the age of 30 have bad teeth. I guess they started to get good dental and orthodontic care for my generation. These are just my observations though.
11. Always carry your umbrella.
12. People do not use backpacks in London, especially not pink ones, they use totes.
13. Bathrooms are called the toilets, NOT THE LOO like everyone in America seems to think.
14. They have three different kinds of water at most restaurants: tap water, still water, and sparkling water. Whatever happened to just having one kind of water?
15. People here really do think that everyone from Texas wears cowboy hats, cowboy boots, belt buckles, jeans, and button downs everyday. Some even think we ride horses down the streets.
16. It is really hard to find regular salt in the grocery stores here. I have still yet to find some so I have settled for sea salt.
17. The letter Z is called "zed".
18. You will hear a siren at least every 5 minutes.
19. You can't walk a block without seeing some kind of construction.
20. They have different words/phrases for EVERYTHING. Here are a few: band aids = plasters, trashcan = bin, elevator = lift, exit = way out, watch your step = mind the gap, how are you? = you alright?, chips = crisps, french fries = chips, pants = trousers, underwear = pants, sweater = jumper. Those are the only ones I can think of at the moment!

So there are 20 things I have learned about London! I am having a great time over here, I have met a bunch of people from all over the world, it's crazy. I haven't met too many British people though because most of the people that go to this school are either in an exchange program for a semester or a year or study here all 3(?) years from outside the UK. But my classes are going alright...except my class that I had no idea about, which is the one hour credit class through TCU. I have 2 papers and a quiz every week. So we will see how that goes. Other than that it seems that my classes won't be too bad! And my internship is going very well, I was given a new project today. I am re-doing how we display our brochures throughout the office. So basically I online shopped for brochure stands/holders all day haha.

It snowed at last Friday-Tuesday so Amanda and I went to Oxford last Saturday which was great. We got to see a lot of things from the Harry Potter movies like one of the staircases,

along with the courtyard,

and the dining room that the great hall/dining room was modeled after.

It was fun to play in the snow for a bit but after a few days it got kind of annoying because the tubes were always delayed, and people become idiots whenever it snows, just like in Texas! But some of my friends and I had a snowball fight one night while we were walking home and it was really funny. We also found a huge statue of JFK in the middle of London which was really weird.

And I completely ate it right before this picture was taken. Slipped on the statue...oops. I'm okay though don't worry.

The second week of my internship class I had to give a mini presentation on my career aspirations, any internships I have had, jobs I've had, and hobbies and such, and my tutor (teacher/professor) said I was like a ray of sunshine that lit up the room because I smiled the whole time and sounded very cheery. So yay me.

So that's all that's really been going on right now. And I promise I will try to post more often!!


  1. You are so funny! I loved reading all of this, sweet girl! You make me laugh! I'm proud of you, and so glad you're making the most of your time abroad. Keep the posts coming! xoxo Mom

  2. I loved what you wrote.I had a big smile because it made me so happy.

    1. Aww Daddyyyy don't make me cryyy! I love you!!!

  3. That was too great Mer! I miss you're goofyness, and you all together! you are just too funny. I'm so jealous that you got to see all those Harry Potter sites! My favorite things out of your 20 things was definitely number 15. the one about texas, especially the part about the horses. cause you know me, always riding those horses down the street. so yay me (see what I did there? Another one of my favorite parts of this blog entry) I love you and miss you, and I'll see you in May!

  4. Dufus! I'm glad you're having fun in London! Did you see Dumbledore at Oxford? If so, I am jellin hard. I'm glad to hear you didn't get hurt when you ate it... althought that is a total Meredith move haha. I miss you Doof so you need to come home now. Have fun, buh bye!

    1. Ryan, Dumbledore died in the sixth no I did not see him. Love and miss you too Brudder!
