Thursday, January 3, 2013

Up Up and Away

I am sitting in the DFW airport waiting to board my nine and a half hour flight to London. I don't think it's actually going to hit me that I'm going to London for FIVE MONTHS until I get on the plane. I was getting a little nervous on my flight from Austin to DFW because I almost had to check my carry-on because it didn't fit in the overhead bin, but of course I made it work. I really hope I can sleep most of this flight. I've never been on a flight this long so we will see how it goes!


  1. You will be fine with or wothout your red carry on bag...I can't wait to hear about your London adventures! xoxo

  2. Where are the blog posts? Get it together Mary Poppins!

  3. Hmmm....wonder who the above post is from? Couldn't be from a sweet, loving uncle now, could it?!
